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References for Epilepsy Nurse Specialists

Scroll down to the download link for a booklet which provides full information about Sleep-Safe Anti-Suffocation Epilepsy Pillows. Also, there are brief professional profiles of Don and Chris Alderton – Pharmacist and Health Visitor – who invented the Sleep-Safe Pillow.

The information is divided into several headed sections, scroll down to scan through them.

 General References

  1. Prevalence of epilepsy among people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review
  2. Epilepsy prevalence and socioeconomic deprivation in England
  3. Socioeconomic variation in incidence of epilepsy
  4. West Midlands Epilepsy Network - search on Cost Savings
  5. Hospital Episode Statistics On...Epilepsy
  6. National Audit of Seizure Management in Hospitals
  7. Despite medications, one-third of people with epilepsy continue to have seizures
  8. Evidence for the Effectiveness of Sleep-Safe Anti-Suffocation Pillows - Search on mcconnell

'Topic Avoidance' and 'Moral Distress'

  1. Keep safe: The when, why and how of epilepsy risk communication
  2. Preventing Epilepsy Deaths: Clinician Toolkit
  3. What is ‘moral distress’ in nursing and how should we respond to it - University of Bristol
  4. Moral distress, why it’s nothing to be ashamed of - Royal College of Nursing

If you wish, please share this link with your colleagues and with anyone who is affected by epilepsy.

Booklet for Epilepsy Nurse Specialists

Download Booklet